"While it has a lot to keep up with in the velvety-voiced lead singer Taylor Jules, the piano parts in the new single “Adickted” is arguably just as powerful a tool of expression for the up-and-coming pop phenom at the helm of this track.”
“Adickted” bursts to life on the back of a really powerful piano-born harmony that just gets grander with each verse Jules introduces to the mix.”
“There’s as much of a soulful edge in the aesthetics of this song as there is a rock n’ roll influence…”
"Although Jules embraces a darker, more intelligent side of her that we’re not used to seeing, “Adickted” works as Jules taps into the psyche of a “woman scorned.”
“The self-assuredness of Jules’ performance in “Adickted” bleeds into the strength of her words like no instrumental accents could have hoped to, and because she has confidence in this narrative, it feels and sounds more authentic to anyone within earshot of the music.”
“Adickted” sports the most thrilling use of contrast I’ve ever heard in a Taylor Jules song.”
“She has such a personable demeanor in this performance that picturing someone else with the mic in their hands is rather difficult, if not impossible outright.”